
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

My Work Reflection


Today I enjoyed the rotations, I really like the group I was in and the activities we did,it put me out of my comfort zone and and challenged me to do new things. Im looking forward to friday and doing it again.Im excited to learn some new languages with Nogo and find out what activities ill be doing with Julie and Sharon.


My goal for MILOs is to choose something on my list and stick to it and stop changing activities so I am planing to continue learning spanish on Duolingo and dancing with Milly and Joanna.


My learning goal is to try and work with new people and try something different.I would like to work on extended word knowledge and word types for literacy, and angles and long division for maths.I would also like to go over some things that I learnt last year so that im fully up to date by the end of this year.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

What I Am Learning.

This week I have been working on a choose your own path story on google forms.It has been really interesting and I have enjoyed being challenged to think of and write multiple outcomes to one story, my goal is to finish my story this week so that I don't leave any work unfinished for next term.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Circus Seal Animation

This is my animation that i made using google slides, i was learning to use short cut keys and be faster while using my chromebook.

How Pollution Effects The Ocean and Sea Life.

This is the slideshow i have been working on for a few weeks with Milly and Joanna, It is about how pollution effects the ocean:

I have really enjoyed creating this and I´m happy with the final outcome.   :)